30 December 2012

A Year End Note

The year leaves me unanswered questions. What path I should take, what way I should go, what am I going to be, and zillion questions about future. The worse is, when I felt so confident with the decision made, it led to another question about the achievement and the fruitfulness after.

You know, I've never been good at planning my life as I always distracted by anything more interesting when my plan is on going. I never set a big plan for future even I never made kind of new year resolution. I usually go with the flow, wherever life takes me. And yeah, that makes me get pain in the ass by now. The planning about future always haunt and confusing me as I started my last year of uni. I've tried many things according to my interest, but none of them is something I've settled in.

Maybe the route won't always straight. Maybe the things I've done before could lead me to something big. I don't know. 

Just like taking a taxi cab, it can bring you anywhere yet fares as where you are heading to.

26 October 2012

A Late Post About An Escape

I was escaping a rehearsal for a concert held on the next week. I was both player and committees. How bad was that. Anyway. 

It's good sometimes, to get your phone off or signal lost for a whole day. Go to the beach or highlands. No disruption. Just you with your friend, enjoying your me-time, getting your periodic-body-maintenance, or whatsoever you call it. Go get some refreshment, filling your lungs with fresh air, free your mind, laugh, shout, everything makes you happy.

I mean, come on. Money is not everything. You're gonna be in a serious trouble if you're working hard to earn money you think you could allocate them for something you do really like but you don't even have time to spend it for things make you happy. (Nah, I should note this for my self too)

Live your life fully. 

15 October 2012


When it rains, people grumble. Shoes get wet, clothes can't dry, difficult to mobile. When sunbeam stings, people reluctant to go out, avoiding its heat. How we as human could easily dropped down into dissatisfaction of something actually the best that had given to us. We usually value other person's life better than us without thinking on how good our life actually works. 

I once read a pretty motivational tweet (at least for me) popped in my timeline retweeted by somebody in the mid day when I was working behind the table, saying:

 “It's normal to complain about life. That makes us human. As long as we know when to stop, be grateful and smile again.

At this period of my anomaly life, I'm thinking positively that I'm actually intangibly investing for my future until I go back into the passion I'll be dying to fight for. Sometimes the path available in front of us wasn't straight and we have to find the way to go back by ourselves. Passion is in you, and will never move from you. It's a home, right in your soul.

So be grateful and smile again.

04 September 2012


This is finally it. My band's first recording. Three to four days in a row of recording and mastering process. I remember how I was so exhausted after work-hours, got flu and cough, and felt sooo sleepy. Then now after seeing friends and people good reactions and comments to our song, those are paid off. :)


p.s.: So guys, I'm writing and updating this post in September 6th, right 2 days after those account made. We've reached soundcloud's maximum download limit or... let's say one hundred downloads in 2 days! YAYNESS! By then, we uploaded our song in 4shared which has unlimited download number. Feel free to download, guys! Comments and critics are allowed. :)

14 August 2012

When life was simple...

Pelalawan, Riau.
Bukan nama yang terlalu familiar saat pertama kali saya, bahkan mungkin kamu, pertama kali mendengarnya. Berjarak 2-3 jam dari Pekanbaru, desa kecil ini terletak tepat di tepi Sungai Kampar dengan jalan yang dipenuhi pohon kelapa sawit di kanan-kiri ketika kita menuju kesana. Desa yang cukup tenang, dengan paginya yang dingin, dan malam yang seringkali bertaburkan bintang. Indah.

17:15 kurang lebih di setiap harinya, listrik baru akan mengalir ke setiap rumah yang ada di Desa Pelalawan. Anak- anak dengan riang akan segera menuntaskan permainannya di luar rumah, berlari masuk, menyalakan televisi, dan duduk manis di depannya hingga kadang membuat jengkel sang Ibu yang menyuruh mereka mandi berkali- kali. 

Menjelang jam 12 malam, sang Ibu sudah bersiap tidur setelah puas menonton sinetron yang bahkan di rumah sangat kita hindari dan kita cibir. "Ternyata masih ada pasarnya," pikir kami. Kemudian ia pun menyalakan lampu minyak di beberapa titik, sebagai persiapan agar malam kami tidak begitu gelap. 00:30 listrik kembali padam.

Kehidupan di Pelalawan sungguh tenang. Siang hari berlalu tanpa distraksi suara yang memekakkan telinga dari penyiar infotainment centil yang ngerumpi tentang gosip seleb, berita siang berisi politik dan korupsi, berita cere- cere tentang kejahatan, pemerkosaan, perampokan, dan segala hal negatif yang selama ini kita saksikan siang hari, di kota. Ayah dan ibu memasak bersama. Ayah membantu mengangkat jemuran yang sudah kering. Ibu memarahi anak yang kelewat manja sedangkan sang Ayah menenangkan tangisannya. Malam hari, anak- anak menonton sinetron anak yang meskipun ada bagian yang tidak masuk akal tapi cukup menghibur. Simple life leads to happy living.

Saya memang bukan orang yang taat. Namun lewat posting panjang berbahasa ibu ini, saya berdoa bagi anak- anak dan pemuda- pemudi di sana. Agar mereka terlindung dari berbagai fitnah, terus berkembang, menjadi kreatif, dan selalu berada di bawah persahabatan erat diantara mereka sendiri agar dapat saling menjaga satu sama lain. Maafkan kami, terutama saya, yang belum bisa berkontribusi banyak bagi daerah kalian. Sebulan yang penuh nostalgi, semoga saya dapat menyelesaikan apa yang belum tuntas di sini agar dapat membawa perubahan barang sedikit bagi Pelalawan.

Dengan perasaan rindu yang mendalam pada rumah, suasana desa, dan teman-teman-serumah unit 108 KKN, 
Yogyakarta, 14 Agustus 2012


29 June 2012

Contributing to The Travelist

A friend of mine, Ferzya, was asking me to contribute in her e-magazine. The magazine is about traveling, written from many sides such as foods and snacks, folktales, and the latest edition written from musical side. Traveling through music is the main idea. I don't know how its editorial team could have such a creative idea to bring up traveling through many sides, many points of view. Sure, they're really.. REALLY great travelers and story tellers. For your information, I've been being their loyal frequent downloader since its second or third edition. ♥ The pictures are very nice and envying me so much. Like, I want to go to aaaall those places they featured on someday. For this edition, the stage photos from Prasojo and Maharsi Wahyu are veeeery GOOD! *worship*

So, here is their website http://the-travelist.com/, and don't forget to press download button in there. I'm sure you won't regret because it's so tempting and insightful. ;)

ps.: I'm thinking that contributing, more over writing, might be addictive. Maybe someday I should contribute again in here, there, somewhere, or some other places. :p

17 June 2012

#nowplaying To Be With You

I held the stars to light where you are
When your unfeigned heart called to me through the dark
Soaked in the sound that rose from the ground
There I could feel
I felt, I felt you near

Just discovered a cool band with a cute vintage music video called The Honey Trees from Theo's news feed in Facebook. They really made my night, when I feel so confused about my final paper assignment. Yeah, the final exam starts tomorrow and I'm not sure I had done my best preparation. Just, wish me bunch of lucks fellas! ;)

14 June 2012

Never drowned in any quotes or other's success nor pathetic story. 
Go find your own suitable path because everyone created to be unique. 
At the end, that makes your burdens lighter and yourself is what you're focused on.

 Go enjoy your life and good morning! :)

09 June 2012

Giraffe Gift

Picture of Fox Pillow for our promotional need :3
Waiting for adoption
Fox pillow big size
My first japanese stab book binding
My second coptic binding book with blue velvet cover

We also served cute snacks such as lasagna, mini cheese brownies, blunder butter almond, and pastry tompus
Wood sign
Entrepreneur subject always give its student a freedom to create and explore creative idea to sell. My team (Dhea, Firra, Fica, Iwe) had an idea to make a gift shop that sell handmade product and the package of materials & the how-to to make cake, in order to spread the spirit of D.I.Y. (do it yourself). As the time gone through, we had many activities and assignments to do and only little time to prepare and organize all those products we planned. So that, we only got 2 products at the end, to sell in the expo. Fox Pillow and handmade book binding.

I've passed my hectic weeks. The night before the expo was Economics Jazz 16th. What a tiring weekend. Now I feel that I need time to take a breath before final exam comes. Next week is a break-week. Sure I will go somewhere for refreshing my saturated mind.

28 May 2012

A Little Reunion

On Saturday night, Theo visited my house to practice some cute songs for a garage sale event on May 31st. Suddenly, Theo was giving me the beat. Paramore!

This band was always on our playlist when we were high school. We've covered many of their songs and being their big fans. Hayley Williams inspired me so much on how she sang powerfully with a very active and attractive stage performance, catching up the high tones, and her unbeatable energy. Each member of Paramore was giving a huge energy to the stage and spread it to the spectators, to the fans, by their head-bangs, their jumps, and of course their music.

These videos was like a reunion, especially for me. I had a 5-membered-band who used to be together until universities do us apart. Hahahaa. Yap. We're seperated and had so minimum quality time to gather. Finally after we lose one of our guitarist, we changed our genre into somekindlike acoustic indie-pop. It was very hard to stand together with this form. Till then the two of us four, me and Theo, started to make a new project. We're planning to keep this acoustic indie-pop genre with some touches from other instruments. Hopefully we can survive until our album (or at least EP) produced. :)

I made many mistakes there. It was quite long time not singing their song so I forget several parts of the songs and lyrics. Sorry :p

In Some Fine Friday Morning

 Backyard, May 25, 2012