19 December 2017

First blog post

WhatsApp Image 2017-12-19 at 15.25.03

Well, this is my... fourth or fifth (?) blog since 2007. So, basically I've been inconsistently writing since 10 years ago. Yes, inconsistent. Because I had no certain topic to write, or too shy to publish my stories (which for me it's too deep, or you may say that those are too cheesy), then left it unpublished on the draft.

I'll write in English or Bahasa, depends on my mood.. Probably about my life, some pictures, travels.. Anything that can beat my friends' (Mba Yuwan and Ganes) challenge.

So, hello again.



  1. Postingannya ko ga bisa di laik...

  2. Hoya?? Hmm.. Mungkin pengaruh themes-nya ya, tapi sudah aku ganti sih.. hihi

  3. Got it, dari hape bisa di laik akhirnya wkwk
