20 April 2010

Fluctuating Love

Blogging again, finally. Love again, hell-finally. Hahaha sucks! Should I write it here? Ah that's up to you, Bonscha! This place's yours! Pretend that you don't care if he reads it. Ok, let's begin.

A week ago, I felt like I was walking in the air. High, floaty, swinging, and happy. That was a (re-)new feeling of mine to him; a person that since Valentine's Day I've left my feeling behind. I was not confidence, maybe. I thought that he's looking for another type of girl that the personality is too different to me. You know, I stepped back.

As time goes by, I was always comparing every guys who chased me to him. He was all criteria. He was the package. He was the most perfect figure that can't be described by others personality. Stuck on him? Desperately, right! I thought I've really put off my feelings, but in fact he's running around my head. DARN

Then right a week ago, accidentally we were going together. No feelings, at first. As the traffic was jamming and we've got our time longer n we talked much, I was feeling awkward; suddenly realized that all I need is in front of my eyes n like waiting to be caught soon. I tried hard to act casually then. That made me flying in the sky above for a whole week. I'm in love again, I said to myself.

But right on this time, I feel useless! What do I aim? Waiting for someone who doesn't even notice me? STUPID!

"If he's not that worth it to be fight for, leave him! If you've struggled so much but he doesn't even notice and doesn't give any feedback, leave him!" -Nabilla Aghniarizqa

Because we, girls, deserve to get better one even the best.

Well, I think it's better to leave myself at the zero point, that I have feelings to no one. Let love find a way.

spread the love,
good night.

1 comment:

  1. :)
    Aku juga berjuang, buat seseorang yang pada awalnya nengok aku aja engga, nengok2 yg lain bahkan.
    Aku pernah berjuang, buat seseorang, yang udah berhasil aku gandeng tangannya, tapi bukan pikirannya.
    Aku pernah berjuang, buat seseorang yg ngakunya sayang sama aku, tapi kenyataannya hatinya bukan cuma buat aku.
    Aku pernah berjuang,buat seseorang yg dihatinya cuma ada aku, tapi engga sensitif sama sekali...
    Sampe orang itu bener2 liat aku, cuma sayang aku, dan mau belajar dari kesalahan2nya.

    Tapi sampe sekarang............ I still fighting for him. Do I struggled too much?
