28 February 2010

what. do. you. want.

i always saw a name on my phonebook. i knew all phone-calls wouldn't come by that name.
i secretly checked the old account of my mail. hoped that someday a mail with that name will come.
i silently saw every picture of that name. just to check that the owner of that name is fine right there.

i felt like torn into pieces when you go.
ever i thought that if i need i would just lay on my knees for just begging you to stay.
the first time i almost couldn't handle my tears down and you should congratulate me for that.
but i tried to struggling on my feeling and said "Ok, please go enjoy your world."

it's like a long long wait.
i almost bored for this.
i have been being bored, actually.
like i almost forget that i'm waiting.

the day has come. accidentally come. suddenly come.
like a bird back to its nest, you came back to me.

but i ain't like the nest who'd always waiting 'till i become old dry branches.
waiting for just being left again and again by the bird.

because i'm not branches.
i'm a human being.

i have a life to live.
not only for being left but to fulfill with things i love.

and i'm sure of my decision,
that YOU ARE NOT on the list of things-i-love.


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